Rinehart Targets, at Mountain Archery. We have the new 2019, Woodland Elk, Rinehart Woodland Buck, Rinhart Woodland Turkey, Rinehart Rhino Block, Rinehart 18-1, and Rinehart RFT. The Rinehart Targets are made with a shooter’s needs in mind. Made of the highest quality, all-weather proof, solid self-healing foam — Rinehart Targets last the longest, look the best, and are made by shooters for shooters! Rinehart 3D targets not only withstand the near continuous abuse of club and competition shooting, they've even been thrown under semi trucks and run over repeatedly - on purpose - to see how they survive.
The Result? A little dust and dirt but no damamge to the target. It's no wonder that archery clubs across America and around the world are making the switch to nearly indestructible Rinehart 3D targets to get the most "arrow time" and value from their target investment.
 Semi truck vs. Rinehart deer |
 Rinehart Targets - Nearly Indestructable |